RCPCH Safety eBulletin

Stay informed and improve patient safety by viewing our bi-monthly Safety eBulletin, which collates concise, impactful updates.

With input from key College committees and member contributions, the QI team at RCPCH curate content to provide the latest clinical news, tools and events to help you deliver, and improve upon, safe quality care. This includes information on:

  • medication safety, 
  • national alerts, 
  • research, 
  • reports and guidelines, and 
  • educational and training opportunities. 

In every issue, there will also with a spotlight blog by guest editors exploring crucial topics.


Find the RCPCH Safety eBulletin here: 

February 2025a spotlight blog on Martha’s Rule and what it means for our units, plus latest information on safety research, guidance, alerts, training and events. 

December 2024 – the first RCPCH Safety eBulletin, with a spotlight blog on the HSJ Patient Safety Congress.

Are you an RCPCH member? 

Stay informed and improve patient safety: RCPCH members can subscribe by logging into their account, clicking “my account,” “edit contact preferences,” and ticking the “College updates/professional updates” box.


We want to hear from you! 

We welcome your feedback and contributions, including from Specialty Groups and Special Interest Groups, via qips@rcpch.ac.uk

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